A couple things: 1) For those of us really into movies, it would be great to hear about what happens BTS, as a prior comment put it. How many festivals do you attend? How do you and Manohla (+ whoever) divide up the work? How do you decide which movies are worth reviewing? What theaters here in NYC do you frequent? 2) I am both an alum of the college at which you were a prof and an Exvangelical. I am interested in your reflections on white evangelicalism in America, particularly inasmuch as cultural criticism is in your wheelhouse.

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Found your work because of Young Adult Movie Ministry, very much interested in you writing about how to be a film critic!

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Hi Alissa! Gideon Strauss told me a few years back to watch and wait for a Supper of the Lamb-esque book from you some day. I very much want to see that happen! Your “Attention to Onions” blog was great. And I think about your essay on garlic at least every other week. I do love your criticism, but if the movie industry disappeared tomorrow, at least we’d probably get more food and cooking writing from you!

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I really loved the piece you posted here about the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibit at the MoMA. It 1) made me want to see the exhibit and 2) gave me the image of visual art as borrowing someone else’s eyes to see the world, which I still think about a lot. I’d love to see more writing about non-movie cultural artifacts here.

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I've been reading you since your CT days, and have enjoyed watching your meteoric rise to the Times. I particularly loved How to Survive the Apocalypse, and would love to read more of how you see flickers or vignettes of The Big Story in all the little stories artists are telling these days. You write so compellingly about beauty, truth, and wonder, and so maybe some reflections/meditations on those themes might do us well.

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Hi Alissa! Some ideas came to mind…

• “10 things worth sharing” or some kind of list of links and recommendations on anything you have found interesting… cooking, books and reads, music, podcasts, stories, just any highlights from your cultural diet… stuff you have come across lately. This would be the kind of list that probably appeals to any curious and creative person, not just film folk.

• “film critic school” section, where you write advice, answer questions, or put on the Professor hat and give some exercise, reading, or writing assignments.

• “work lately” section, a roundup of your recently published articles, podcasts, etc

Looking forward to what you share in the future.

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The NYTimes Cooking newsletter has been my favorite newsletter for years. I love its formula and format. And I'd love a periodic rundown of films you'd recommend watching with maybe a one-line "if you're looking for ... _____" or "if you like ______, then ...." I love your reviews but I'm so spotty in reading anyone's fuller take on anything these days that I'd love a micro recommendation list I could lean on the next time we don't feel like reading in the evening and want to watch something :)

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All movie-related stuff will probably have to stay Times-based (or private communications) but I'd like to show some pics of things I cook once I, you know, start cooking!

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Cooking pics and whatnots are always welcome in my direction :) Cheers, and happy cooking to you!

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Would love to read your thoughts on how your work with NYT is shaping/creating culture, a la Jamie Smith

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i would like play reviews, please 🙏🏻❤️‍🔥

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I also have been following your writing for years, and, like a few others here, you’re the reason I finally broke down and got a Times subscription. What can I say? You’re my favorite film critic, and one of my favorite internet writers in general!

Echoing the comments about how you got into film criticism! In a similar vein (and I realize this is probably in the NYT category), I’d love to hear your thoughts on how and why to watch documentaries. I love fiction in film and literature for the ways it can expand my view of life’s complexities; when I watch documentaries, I don’t get the same sense (often because I can’t get past a feeling that they’ll never capture the complexity of the world beyond the lens). And if you’ve already written about this and I’ve missed it, please share.

Outside of film-related stuff: definitely would love to hear about what you’re reading!

Would also love any thoughts you have about the world of the arts and humanities in general.

Also, maybe a niche audience thing, but as someone who was homeschooled, I always appreciate hearing how other folks have processed/thought about/etc. that. Particularly the feeling of playing “catch up” when it comes to pop culture or academic work, if that resonates at all.

Finally, who are the writers/thinkers/artists who’ve influenced you? What draws you to them and their work?

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I did sign the NYT to keep up with your writings, but to be super honest I miss things sometimes because I forget to check. So I love you put a link at the end of the newsletter with your latest articles.

I’d love to learn more about filme criticism.

I follow a couple of newsletters that use it as a sounding board for random thoughts and I love that; it’s usually the kind of articles that don’t have another place in the internet anymore. Not sure if that’s your thing, but also to be honest, I love your writing, so I’ll read whatever you come up with.

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Hey Alissa! I've been reading your work since Christianity Today. I'd be interested in learning more about your behind the scenes process writing about film, as well as what you're currently reading and watching, either as prep for something you're working on or just for fun.

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